Unlock Your Dream Life

Your 5D Personal Blueprint for Designing your New Life in France Awaits!

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Unlock Your Dream Life

Your 5D Personal Blueprint for Designing your New Life in France Awaits!

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How do I help people?

I help people get clear on the details of a new life that is calling them, and support them in developing a roadmap to bring their life into alignment with their dreams and desires, smoothly and with joy.

Life Redesign

Clarity for Individuals and alignment for families who are considering moving (or who have decided to move) on what they want to create, how they are going to do it, what they need to do before they do it, and where they are going to do it. Intentional action backed by deep self-knowledge and good decisions is a game-changer.

Life Relocation

For people who have chosen to relocate for professional reasons, and to make the most of their new opportunities. We uncover what mix of elements they need to create a life that they love, how they will build it, what they want to experience and accomplish in it, and what support they need from their company and others to do so.

Life Recreation

This conversation is for people who have started a new life but are not having the experience they had hoped for. Through personal development and compassionate self-examination, I help people get past self-limiting beliefs, behaviors, and blocks to take strategic action and to give themselves the gift of the life that they dream of.

To get you started creating a new life you can access a downloadable roadmap that will get you asking yourself crucial questions.

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Who am I?

Prisca Weems: Architect, Environmental Scientist, and certified Life and Business Coach with a passion for helping others create their dream life in France. Born to American parents in Italy, I've lived on four continents before finding my home in France. My unique blend of expertise and personal experiences guides you in crafting a fulfilling French lifestyle.

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What is my invitation? 

I support people in living their best, happiest, most impactful lives in ways and places that support all they want to accomplish and experience in their lives. I do this because I believe we all came to this life to share our gifts, and that putting ourselves in environments where we are the best and happiest versions of ourselves help those gifts manifest and us to blossom.

I have put all of my experiences as an Entrepreneur, Architect, Environmental Scientist, Mentor, World Traveller, and Mobilizer into developing a 5D France Personal Blueprint that will take you from the experience you are having now to the experience you want to be having in life. It will help you to:

Define the life you want with crystal clarity

Avoid common pitfalls of relocating to France

Align yourself to French culture and lifestyle

Develop a personal action plan for your move

Determine what environment will suit you so that you land in the right place

Be prepared to be unprepared as life is full of surprises

Make a contract with yourself

Say yes to yourself so that you can say yes to a life you love

When you are ready to move past a life that you don’t love and not look back, download my free 5D France Personal Blueprint to create your new life. Don’t delay, France is calling! 

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5D France Personal Blueprint

Discover how to create your ideal life in France with our free 5D France Personal Blueprint and expert guidance. Get Your Free 5D France Blueprint Now!

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What my Clients say

"If you're on the verge of change but feel stuck in your old patterns, I cannot recommend enough that you work with Prisca. I didn’t think I would be a big fan of the process, but coaching with her is transformational. I watch in awe as my life has started to become more as I always wanted it to be. Just ask my husband! I have stopped being so judgmental, and he now jokes that we’re on a second honeymoon."

Beth, Austin

"When I finally took the leap to move to Rome – a fantasy I had held for 30 years – I was ecstatic. I loved my exciting new life, my apartment, and my favorite neighborhood restaurant. Pretty quickly, the novelty wore off and it was harder making connections here than I thought.

In a conversation with a friend living in the Provence, she told me about her coach Prisca. Prisca and I began working together, and through our sessions I discovered the reasons why I was holding myself back from my new life. She held a mirror to me in a supportive way and helped me grow into the version of myself I had always thought I would be in this phase of life, in a way that gave me power over the process. And as I have changed, so has my life. I feel more vibrant and authentic, and am having a lot more fun."

Elisabeth, Boston

"What I love about coaching with Prisca:
I love what happens spontaneously--I love the energy and the shifts. It was completely transformative, and this week I have felt a bit dazed by the freedom from what normally triggers me."

Melanie, San Francisco

Discover how to create your ideal life in France with our free 5D France Personal Blueprint and expert guidance. Get Your Free 5D France Blueprint Now!

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